“Differences and Similarities in the Formation of Labor Law in Anglo-Saxon (Common Law) and Roman-Germanic (Civil Law) Countries”
Dates: April 11th 2025.
13:00h Brasília – 11:00 Washington – Opening Conference
The Importance of Comparative Law Study Techniques for a Better Understanding
of Labour Law and Labour Relations
Jean Michel Servais. President of the International Society for Labour and Social
Security Law. Former Director of the ILO.
14:00h Brasília – 12:00 Washington
1st Panel. Collective Bargaining as a Tool for the Construction of Labour Law in
Brazil and the United States
Risa Lieberwitz. Professor in the Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor
Relations (ILR). Academic Director in the Worker Institute at Cornell and co-
director of the Cornell University Law and Society minor.
Jorge Boucinhas Filho. Professor at FGV and Mackenzie. Secretary General of the
International Society for Labour and Social Security Law. Brazilian Academy of
Labour Law.
16:00 Brasilia – 14:00 Washington
2nd Panel. The American and Brazilian Trade Union Systems.
Guilherme Guimarães Feliciano. Professor at the University of São Paulo.
Member of the Brazilian Academy of Labour Law. Magistrate and member of the
National Justice Council of Brazil.
Jeffrey Vogt. Rule of Law director of the Solidarity Center and co-founder of the
International Lawyers Assisting Workers (ILAW) Network. Member of the ILO
Governing Body.
17:00 Brasilia – 15:00 Washington
3rd Panel. The Challenges of Protecting Workers on Digital Platforms in the United
States and Brazil.
Antonio Rodrigues de Freitas Júnior. Professor at the University of São Paulo.
Former National Secretary of Justice of Brazil. Retired Legislative Prosecutor of the
São Paulo City Council.
Liz Tippet. Professor at the University of Oregon and the Faculty Co-Director for
the Master’s Program in Conflict and Dispute Resolution..
18:00 Brasília – 16:00 Washington
4th Panel. Collective Protection of Labour Rights: Specificities of American Class
Actions and Brazilian Public Civil Actions.
Enoque Ribeiro dos Santos. Professor at the University of São Paulo. Magistrate of
Rio de Janeiro labor Court.
Stanley Gacek. Counsel to the United Food and Commercial Workers Union.
19:00 Brasília – 17:00 Washington
5th Panel. Judicial Precedents as Mechanisms for the Construction of Labour Law
in Brazilian and American Law.
Janice Bellace. Honorary President of the International Society for Labour and
Social Security Law. Professor of Legal Studies at the Wharton School, University
of Pennsylvania whose field is international and comparative labor and
employment law.
Alexandre Agra Belmonte. President of the Brazilian Academy of Labour Law.
Minister of the Superior Labour Court of Brazil.
Rua Rodrigo Silva, nº 18, 3º andar
Centro, Rio de Janeiro / RJ – Brasil
CEP: 20.011-040